In leading the College of Engineering, you took an active role in fundraising efforts. What did that experience teach you about philanthropy’s role on campus and in education at large?
State funds and tuition are critical to our operations, but simply do not address all the university’s needs to deliver a top-tier education. A great university cannot exist without a strong endowment and private support from generous donors. We have a state constitutional responsibility to be a university of the “first class,” and it will take every dollar we can generate to sustain this charge for such a large and impactful state.
When I traveled throughout the country raising funds for the College of Engineering, I was so impressed by our former students’ loyalty and desire to support students. We have such a great story to share, and there is so much more we can do together to move the needle.
Imagine Texas A&M 10 years from now. What do you see?
A university that is globally recognized as best in class. A first-choice university for talented students. A university with a unified sense of purpose, a unique commitment to core values and traditions, and a deep connection to its intersecting communities. A university making a difference in people’s lives with an immense and impactful former student network. Bottom line: Aggies supporting Aggies and changing the world.
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