Jeremy Tietz ’24
Major: General Engineering
Unit: Squadron 3
Post-graduation goals: Who knows? I’m only a freshman!
Okay, fair. But why engineering?
When I was a kid and didn’t know what an engineer was, I wanted to be an inventor. I loved Legos. I even played a game with myself called the Imagination Games. It all stemmed from a fascination with science fiction. I love that engineers are the forerunners in creating a future for the next generation.
What does that future look like?
Fifty years ago, engineers were developing, researching and producing the groundwork for everything we see today. Now, we’re trying to press forward into a new, more environmentally conscious future. The engineers of today must be more aware of our impact on the Earth. That’s our generation’s challenge.
How does this scholarship help you?
I see it as someone opening a door for me, so it means the world. It is helping develop who I want to be: a successful engineer who can move the world forward in positive ways.
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